California Brokers
(310) 378-1564 (866) 564-6946(JohnZim)
(877) 378-6575 efax


John Zimmer is a licensed Real Estate Broker, Commercial Broker and Realtor specializing in Real Estate Sales/Purchases, Real Estate Investments, Commerical & Residential Leasing, Appraising, Business Valuations and Consultations.

Mr. Zimmer is licensed in the State of California as a Real Estate Broker and Corporation, License 01055432 & 01362573.   He also is a State of California, Certified Appraiser.

Previously, Mr. Zimmer was a Financial Analyst for Hughes Aircraft Co. for over four years. While at Hughes, his responsibilities included forecasting multi-million dollar contracts, managing cash flow, monitoring cash supplied/<required>, cash investment and working capital. In addition, Mr. Zimmer was also responsible for the submitting, monitoring and reporting of involved multi-million dollar overhead budgets.

From 1989 to present, Mr. Zimmer was either licensed Real Estate Agent or Broker with the State of California.  He was also associated with with Tarbell Realtors & C.S. Bird, Inc. on an independent subcontract basis, performing real estate transactions, appraisals and business valuations for buyers, sellers, investors, attorneys of law, sale/purchase and financing on residential, residential income, commercial and industrial properties mainly in Los Angeles and Orange counties.

From 1992 to 1993, Mr. Zimmer was also associated with Wilshire Appraisal, Inc. on a subcontract independent fee basis, performing appraisals for lending institutions on residential properties in the Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino, Orange and San Diego counties.

During 1993, Mr. Zimmer was employed on a subcontract basis by Michael J. Vizzini, SRPA, SRA, appraising residential, residential income, relocation services, ad valorum tax, condemnation, sale/purchase and financing in Los Angeles County.

Presently, Mr. Zimmer is the Officer/Owner with California Brokers & California Lending, as a Real Estate Broker, Commercial Broker, Realtor, Loan Broker, Lender and Business Broker performing Real Estate Sales/Purchase Transactions, Loans, Refinances and Business Valuations for Investors, Corporations, Relocation Service Companies, Homeowner’s, Attorneys of Law, Accountants and Lending Institutions.

Mr. Zimmer received a Bachelor of Science Degree in the School of Business - with an emphasis in Finance - from San Diego State University.

He has completed over 1,500 classroom hours of  real estate, lending, business valuation and appraisal related courses. Related courses taken from various colleges: Appraisal I, Appraisal II, Appraisal Standards Appraisal Ethics, Real Estate Law, Real Property Management, Real Estate Principles, Real Estate Practice, Real Estate Investments & Taxation, Real Estate Investments w/ spreadsheets, Real Estate Practice w/ Spreadsheets, Probability & Statistics, Statistical Analysis for Business, Money & Banking, International Business Finance, Planning of Capital Expenditures, Macro Economics, Micro Economics, Business Law, Investments, Principles of Accounting, Intermediate Accounting. Recipient of a Scholarship/Grant from the Torrance-Lomita-Carson Board of Realtors education committee in May of 1990. Appraisal Institute courses successfully passed: 110 Appraisal Principles, 120 Appraisal Procedures, 210 Residential Case Studies, 410 Appraisal Standards, 420 Appraisal Ethics, 510 Advanced Income Capitalization, 530 Advanced Sales Comparison & Cost Approaches.

In addition, each license renewal cycle 56 hours of Appraisal Related, 45 hours Real Estate Related continuing education and 8 annual hours for the MLO endorsement is required.  These continuing education hours have been satisfied for the last 20+- years The continuing education courses range greatly, an example of some coursework from other various Continuing providers would include, Real Estate Investment Analysis – Provided by UCLA, local Community Colleges coursework, Appraisal Educators, Real Estate Educators and Various Seminars.other continuing education through UCLA, Real Estate Instructors, Real Estate Investment  Instructors and various seminars.

  (310) 378-1564  (866) 564-6946(JohnZim)
(877) 378-6575 efax
Email:  Realtor@CaliforniaBrokers.Net

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